Adult Programs
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Beginner's Botany 5-Week Course
Join us during the months of November and December for a new series of classes offered at The Arboretum: Beginner's Botany!
Beginner's Botany is a 5-week course that covers all the basics of plant biology. No background in plant science is necessary. This course is perfect for gardeners, forestry or natural resource related majors, educators, or anyone with an interest in plants! It will be taught by Rob Paratley, Curator of the University of Kentucky Herbarium and retired UK professor. With decades of experience in botany, he is an expert in the field. Class discussion will be an important part of this course, and each presentation will be followed with review, summary, and question & answer. The presentations are very visual, including slide images and demonstration specimens.
Course Dates:
Wednesdays at 5:30PM
Nov. 6, 13, and 20, Dec. 4, and 11
Cost of registration is $150. Registration for this course includes all 5 classes. The rate for students (high school, university, etc.) is $75.
Classes will last approximately 2 hours with the majority being indoors.
Register at:
Contact with questions.