Winter News
Winter News
Published on Jan. 23, 2025

New Funding, New Projects: In 2024 our staff had notable success securing funds for new projects at the Arboretum.

- Pollinator Habitat: This proposal was co-authored by Jess Slade before she left the Arboretum last year. Funding has been secured to cover costs for restoring and naturalizing a large (5-acre) Arboretum area as pollinator habitat. Kentucky Natural Lands Trust and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are our partners in this project. Jesse Dahl is now coordinating the revegetation for this new Arboretum feature.
- More Trees: Jesse also secured funding from the Lex Grow Trees program to significantly expand our Arboretum collection. A major goal of this project is planting at least 230 new trees at the Arboretum, to include approximately 100 wild collected Kentucky natives. We will also propagate more than 100 additional native trees and shrubs for planting in public spaces within Lexington and/or distribution to the public.
- More Equipment: With the guidance and support of our Advisory Board Co-Chair, Hannah LeGris, we secured funding from the LFUCG Council to purchase three pieces of major field equipment. This addresses a critical operating need arising from our separation from UK Physical Plant.
- More Interns: With funding from the Student Sustainability Council grants, the college and Lex Grow Trees, we will be able to increase the number of student interns at the Arboretum this season. College student internships are not just a source of seasonal labor; we consider it to be a very important component of our educational mission.
- University of Kentucky Investment: In addition to supporting our reorganization with PPD, in fall 2024 our college and central UK leadership provided substantial non-recurring support for deferred maintenance and for our transition to a stellar event center when the Visitor Center renovation is completed.

Visitor Center Renovation and Expansion: Design and planning for the Visitor Center capital project continues. The most recent scheduling estimates propose bidding the project in March with construction starting in April of this year.
Staff Positions:
- Curator: We have advertised and begun recruiting to fill our vacant Curator position. This position will be filled at the same level and with the same job titles held by Jess Slade: Curator and Senior Extension Associate. We are slightly shifting the responsibilities toward educational and outreach programs with less responsibility for grounds maintenance. The curatorial duties will now include the horticultural plantings as well as native plants.
- Philanthropy: We are delighted and fortunate that UK Philanthropy leadership has continued their strong support for Arboretum fundraising beyond the successful completion of the Visitor Center campaign. Dave Timoney will continue his excellent work in support of our continuing efforts to grow much-needed charitable support for the Arboretum.
- Administrative Support Associate: Christine Howard has taken on the challenge of managing our financial and business operations. Before we welcomed her to the Arboretum late in 2024, Chris worked in the college and Cooperative Extension for several years.