Resources & Information
Visitor's Guide to The Arboretum: See a map of the different areas of The Arboretum.
Fitness Guide to the Walk Across Kentucky: Follow the path through the Walk Across Kentucky.
Home Demonstration Garden: View the features of the Home Demonstration Garden.
Walk Across Kentucky: View the regions, features and paths in the Walk Across Kentucky.
Kentucky Children's Garden: Plan your visit to the Kentucky Children's Garden.
Photography Contract: A permit is required for all commercial photography.
Videography Use Agreement: An agreement is required for a commercial videography session.
Event Reservation Request & Use Agreement: An agreement is required for a wedding event.
Mail-In Donation Form: If you do not want to donate online, gifts can be mailed to us.
Research Proposal Form: A permit is required for research projects conducted at The Arboretum.
Visiting Groups & Classes Form: Fill out the form for a class or group visit.
Outreach Request Form: Fill out the form for a staff representative to come to your event.
Photo Consent Form: Grant permission for UK to interview, photo or tape you for educational or promotional activities.
Kentucky Children's Garden Season Membership Form: Fill out the form for KCG 2025 Season Membership.
Kentucky Children's Garden Small Group Request Form: A form is required to reserve a date for a small group visit to the KCG.
Volunteer Agreement: We appreciate the time you spend to help us to maintain this community resource.
One-Time Volunteer Waiver: A one-time waiver is best for student volunteer work, events and Scout projects.
From Foraging to Farming Brochure: As prehistoric peoples domesticated plants and came to rely on them for food, the plants domesticated the people.
Oaks Brochure: There are over 400 species of oaks in the Northern Hemisphere.
Shrubs Brochure: Visitors can locate and appreciate the many species of native shrubs that grow in the Walk Across Kentucky Collection.
Native Grasses & Sedges Brochure: The Arboretum tries to cultivate a respect for a wide range of plant life.
Wildflowers Brochure: Native wildflowers are threatened by development, the spread of exotic-invasive species and by collectors who dig them from the wild.
Prairie Brochure: Prairie Grasslands are one of the most misunderstood and under-appreciated ecosystems in North America.
Wetlands Brochure: Wetlands are a very important, and often underestimated, natural resource.
Birds of The Arboretum Brochure: Over 115 species of birds have been documented on The Arboretum grounds.
Amazing Plant Adaptations: Learn about amazing plant adaptations and a fun follow-up activity for kids.
Tree and Leaf ID: Learn to ID several Kentucky native trees and some fun facts about them. Follow up with a Leaf & Tree ID Worksheet for kids.
Tree Appreciation Activities: Learn fun facts about trees and how to use an app that tells you about the benefits you receive from the trees in your neighborhood.
Scat (a.k.a. Poop): See some Kentucky native animal scat and learn how to identify the poop you come upon while hiking in the woods. Follow up with our Animal Scat Worksheet for kids.
Conifer Trees of Kentucky: Take a tour of three Kentucky native conifer trees. Learn about their adaptations and how to identify them.
Bird Beaks, Wings & Feet: Learn about some bird adaptations by looking at preserved specimens from the UK Biology Department.
Flower Adaptations: See some common houseplants and native Kentucky flowers and the amazing adaptations that make them successful survivors.
Tour a Beehive: Take a virtual tour of a beehive.
Gardening Activities: See some easy at-home gardening activities you can do with materials you probably already have.
Reptiles: Join guest Kathryn Greene from the UK Herpetology Lab and some reptile friends.
Amphibians: Join guest Kathryn Greene from the UK Herpetology Lab and some amphibian friends.
Vegetable Garden Tour: Sky Hale, a member of our Horticulture team, gives a tour of our vegetable garden.
Tree Appreciation & Benefits: Join former Curator Emily Ellingson to learn about the many ways trees benefit us.
How to Plant a Tree: Join The Arboretum‘s Senior Horticulturist Jesse Dahl to learn how to plant and mulch a tree.
Walk Across Kentucky: Join former Native Plants Collection Manager Emily Ellingson on a virtual tree tour of the seven physiographic regions of Kentucky.
Why We Love Trees: We here at The Arboretum love trees! Learn why owls, bees and our visitors love trees.
How to Prune a Young Tree: Join The Arboretum’s Senior Horticulturist Jesse Dahl to learn how to prune a young tree.
The Arboretum Woods: Join former Native Plants Curator Emily Ellingson to virtually explore The Arboretum Woods and its importance.
Arboretum Explorer: Join former Education Coordinator Dawn Bailey to learn how to use Arboretum Explorer.
Features & Programming in the Kentucky Children's Garden: Learn about the different features of the KCG and programs you can participate in during your visit.
Seek ID Bingo Worksheet: Use the Seek app to identify a plant, animal or insect you see and complete your Bingo card.
Leaf & Tree ID Worksheet: Follow along with our Tree and Leaf ID video.
Animal Scat Worksheet: Follow along with our Scat (a.k.a. Poop) video.
Pitfall Trap Data Log Worksheet: Place a cup outside for a week and keep a log of the insects you see inside.
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Step into a book at The Arboretum! Each month, the Lexington Public Library children's librarians select a tale to share on the path from the Visitor Center through the Home Demonstration Garden and ending at the Kentucky Children's Garden.
See the Schedule
Arboretum Explorer
Arboretum Explorer is a web-based database that can be accessed on your smartphone, tablet or desktop to "explore" our plants. Use it to ID and locate our trees and learn more about The Arboretum.
Visit Arboretum Explorer
Seek App
Seek can identify 20,000 species just by scanning the plant, animal or insect with your camera. You don’t have to have an account, and kids can use it safely. It works without internet, and you can identify both wild and cultivated species.
Download the App