A New Arboretum Grounds Team
A New Arboretum Grounds Team

Many hands and lots of hours are required to maintain the 100 Arboretum acres at the standards to which we aspire. This may be most obvious in the gardens and intensively managed areas, but the Walk Across Kentucky native plants collection and the Arboretum Woods also demand intensive care at times. Since our founding, a limited grounds staff has been a substantial challenge. Near the end of last year, we completed a major reorganization of the staff and budget for the Arboretum grounds, an important step forward for our future.
A little Arboretum history might help to explain the significance and impact of this change. In 2001, University of Kentucky leadership transferred administration of the Arboretum to what was then the College of Agriculture. At that time, it was agreed that the cost of essential maintenance of gardens and buildings would be shared by the college and the UK Physical Plant Division (PPD). Many of the staff you have seen mowing or tending gardens and native plantings have been PPD, not Arboretum, employees.
As Arboretum facilities and PPD labor costs grew, the disadvantages of having two separate grounds crews became apparent. PPD staff at the Arboretum were often pulled back to work at other locations, particularly in winter months. In mid-year 2024 we proposed that Arboretum employees assume full responsibility for maintenance and operations of our grounds and buildings, but in return, the PPD funds budgeted for the Arboretum would be transferred to us on a permanent basis. With strong support from college and UK leadership, we reached agreement with PPD and fully implemented the plan on December 1 of last year.
As a result, we now have an excellent full-time, year-round grounds team of four. Jesse Dahl, who has been our Horticulturist for 14 years, has been promoted to Grounds and Facilities Superintendent. Whereas grounds work for the Arboretum Woods and WAKY had been shared with our Curator, he will now have the leadership role for management of all Arboretum grounds. Jesse will directly supervise three former PPD staff who have transferred to the Arboretum payroll, devoting all their time to our grounds and facilities: Allen Dyer, Sumi McCarty and Alicia White.
Allen Dyer has been working on UK Grounds since 1999. He often worked on South campus including mulching the newly planted trees we now call the Walk Across Kentucky. In 2009 he became the sole permanent PPD grounds worker at the Arboretum. You will most often see him cruising by on a mower. He has a strong passion for turf and has been a constant advocate for improvements in our lawn and its maintenance.
Sumi McCarty studied Horticulture here at UK and was active in the Horticulture Club for years. After graduation she began as a seasonal grounds worker in our gardens. We were all delighted when the opportunity came up for her to become a full-time PPD grounds worker. Sumi has championed, managed and maintained the Demonstration Vegetable Gardens with her awesome group of volunteers for several years. She has extensive knowledge of annuals, tropical plants and years of greenhouse experience that we count on every year for our colorful gardens and displays.
Alicia White started this summer as a seasonal grounds worker, and in a short time has proven to be knowledgeable and a great asset in caring for the Walk Across Kentucky Collection. Her degrees in Public Health and Tropical Medicine give her a strong background in biology, and she is quickly learning to apply that knowledge at the Arboretum. The reorganization of our partnership with PPD has allowed us to bring her on full time where she has already proven to be a champion for our native plant collection.
Unifying the grounds team at the Arboretum and restructuring our agreement with PPD is already providing significant advantages for planning, management and coordination throughout the year. For example, because the crew now is here full-time during the off-season, we have been able to make much-needed progress on deferred maintenance in the Kentucky Children’s Garden. We hope you will wave or say hello to our grounds staff when you have a chance and welcome them all to the Arboretum team.