Arbor Day
Arbor Day
Published on Sep. 22, 2023

The Arboretum, State Botanical Garden of Kentucky, a partnership between the University of Kentucky and the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, is gearing up for its 32nd Arbor Day celebration on October 7, 2023. This event, held in conjunction with the UK Urban Forest Initiative's Sixth Annual Tree Week, will feature a plethora of activities, including a plant and seed exchange, free admission to the Kentucky Children's Garden, and a traditional Arbor Day tree planting.
While National Arbor Day traditionally occurs in April, some individual states pick different dates to align with the most favorable tree-planting season for their respective regions. In 2021, The Arboretum made a shift to October.
The Arboretum chose to move its Arbor Day celebration to October because trees planted in the fall typically fare better than those planted in the spring. The Arboretum also resolved to prioritize the education of future generations of tree planters, emphasizing the ecosystem benefits of trees, the creatures and critters who depend on trees, and how trees depend on them.
Here is a more detailed breakdown of the event schedule:
- 9:00 AM: Fall Plant Exchange
- 9:30 AM: UK String Project presents nature-inspired music
- 10:00 AM: Opening program, including the reading of the Arbor Day Proclamation and the recognition of Lexington's Tree City USA, UK's Tree Campus USA, and UK's Healthcare Tree Campus USA programs
- 10:00 AM-5:00 PM: Free admission to the Kentucky Children's Garden. Activities planned for inside the KCG include plant a seed, tree cookie necklaces, leaf art, giant bubbles, tug of war, potato sack races, parachute games, leaf stamp painting, furs and skulls, and, of course, the model trains will run all day featuring Thomas the Tank Engine
- 11:00 AM: Arbor Day tree planting. This year, The Arboretum will plant a black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) along its entry drive.
Throughout the day: Visit with exhibitors from UK and the community, including the UK Entomology Club, the UK Herpetology Club, Climate Conversations, FoodChain, Glean Kentucky, the Lexington Public Library, Live Green Lexington, the Tree Sweater Gang, and Wild Birds Unlimited.
Inside the Dorotha Smith Oatts Visitor Center: See information about the planned expansion and renovation, which promises to enhance the visitor experience and further educational programming opportunities.
The Arboretum is excited about this year's celebration and grateful to Kentucky Utilities for being the Presenting Sponsor and for Dave Leonard Tree Specialists who are donating this year's Arbor Day tree. Find out more about The Arboretum's Arbor Day celebration.