Naturalist and Perennial Gardening Series Programming
Naturalist and Perennial Gardening Series Programming
Published on Mar. 29, 2024

Our Naturalist and Perennial Gardening programming series offer ways to learn more about The Arboretum, its gardens and resources, from both Arboretum staff and other experts.
The Naturalist series takes place Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m., and each session costs $10. The Perennial Gardening series takes place on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 p.m., each session costs $15, and participants get some small plants to take home. Programming fees for the series support our soft-funded staff and other staff needs.
All sessions require pre-registration, but advance payment is not required. Pre-register by sending an email to with your name, email address, phone number, the number of participants, and which sessions you want to attend. Alternatively, call us at (859) 257-6955 with this information.